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Henry Bacon

At the Well

At the Well - Henry Bacon

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At the Well - Henry Bacon
Artist:Henry Bacon
Title:At the Well
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Beach at Etretat - Henry Bacon
Beach at Etretat
Christmas Prayers 1872 - Henry Bacon
Christmas Prayers 1872
Etreat 1890 - Henry Bacon
Etreat 1890
Fisherfolk Returning with their Nets, Etretat 1882 - Henry Bacon
Fisherfolk Returning with their Nets, Etretat 1882
Hauling a Ship - Henry Bacon
Hauling a Ship
Pay Attention - Henry Bacon
Pay Attention
Repose - Henry Bacon
The Departure - Henry Bacon
The Departure

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Etreat 1890 - Henry Bacon
Henry Bacon:
Etreat 1890
Christmas Prayers 1872 - Henry Bacon
Henry Bacon:
Christmas Prayers 1872
Fisherfolk Returning with their Nets, Etretat 1882 - Henry Bacon
Henry Bacon:
Fisherfolk Returning with their Nets, Etretat 1882
Hauling a Ship - Henry Bacon
Henry Bacon:
Hauling a Ship
Setting out on the Hunt 1660-65 - Philips Wouwerman
Philips Wouwerman:
Setting out on the Hunt 1660-65
Portrait of a Seated Woman  1660-66 - Frans Hals
Frans Hals:
Portrait of a Seated Woman 1660-66
Four ballerinas on the stage - Edgar Degas
Edgar Degas:
Four ballerinas on the stage

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Jacob Adriaensz Backer
Jacob Adriaensz Backer

Jacob De Backer
Jacob De Backer

Ludolf Backhuysen
Ludolf Backhuysen

Baron Louis Albert Bacler d'Albe
Baron Louis Albert Bacler d'Albe

John Henry Frederick Bacon
John Henry Frederick Bacon

Lucy Angeline Bacon
Lucy Angeline Bacon

Sisto Badalocchio
Sisto Badalocchio

Joseph Badger
Joseph Badger

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