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Hans Makart

Die Ernte (The Harvest)

Die Ernte (The Harvest) - Hans Makart

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Die Ernte (The Harvest) - Hans Makart
Artist:Hans Makart
Title:Die Ernte (The Harvest)
Museum:Östereichische Galerie Belvedere, Wien, Austria
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Die Falknerin (The Falconress) - Hans Makart
Die Falknerin (The Falconress)
Die funf Sinne - Hans Makart
Die funf Sinne
Die Fünf Sinne: Gefühl (The Five Senses: Touching) - Hans Makart
Die Fünf Sinne: Gefühl (The Five Senses: Touching)
Die Fünf Sinne: Gehör (The Five Senses: Hearing) - Hans Makart
Die Fünf Sinne: Gehör (The Five Senses: Hearing)
Die Fünf Sinne: Geruch (The Five Senses: Smelling) - Hans Makart
Die Fünf Sinne: Geruch (The Five Senses: Smelling)
Die Fünf Sinne: Geschmack (The Five Senses: Tasting) - Hans Makart
Die Fünf Sinne: Geschmack (The Five Senses: Tasting)
Die Fünf Sinne: Gesicht (The Five Senses: Seeing) - Hans Makart
Die Fünf Sinne: Gesicht (The Five Senses: Seeing)
Die Niljagd der Kleopatra (The Nile Hunt of Cleopatra) - Hans Makart
Die Niljagd der Kleopatra (The Nile Hunt of Cleopatra)

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Abundantia   The Gifts Of The Earth - Hans Makart
Hans Makart:
Abundantia The Gifts Of The Earth
Abundantia   The Gifts Of The Sea - Hans Makart
Hans Makart:
Abundantia The Gifts Of The Sea
Anna Von Waldberg - Hans Makart
Hans Makart:
Anna Von Waldberg
Entwürfe für Einen Palast, Rückseit und (aufgeklebter) Grundriss (Studies for a palace, Rueckseit and (more glued on) a sketch) - Hans Makart
Hans Makart:
Entwürfe für Einen Palast, Rückseit und (aufgeklebter) Grundriss (Studies for a palace, Rueckseit and (more glued on) a sketch)
Apollo Revealing his Divinity before the Shepherdess Isse 1750 - François Boucher
François Boucher:
Apollo Revealing his Divinity before the Shepherdess Isse 1750
Diana & Cupid, 1761 - Pompeo Gerolamo Batoni
Pompeo Gerolamo Batoni:
Diana & Cupid, 1761
Panel from the Raphael Loggia at the Vatican, from Delle Loggie di Rafaele nel Vaticano, engraved by Giovanni Ottaviani c.1735-1808, published c.1772-77 3 - (after) Savorelli, G. & Camporesi, P.
(after) Savorelli, G. & Camporesi, P.:
Panel from the Raphael Loggia at the Vatican, from Delle Loggie di Rafaele nel Vaticano, engraved by Giovanni Ottaviani c.1735-1808, published c.1772-77 3

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Gustave Maincent
Gustave Maincent

Fray Juan Bautista Maino
Fray Juan Bautista Maino

Edmond-Louis Maire
Edmond-Louis Maire

Lorenzo Maitani
Lorenzo Maitani

Aleksandr Vladimirovich Makovsky
Aleksandr Vladimirovich Makovsky

Konstantin Egorovich Egorovich Makovsky
Konstantin Egorovich Egorovich Makovsky

Nikolai Egorovich Makovsky
Nikolai Egorovich Makovsky

Vladimir Egorovic Makovsky
Vladimir Egorovic Makovsky

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