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Georges Lemmen


Autumn - Georges Lemmen

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Autumn - Georges Lemmen
Artist:Georges Lemmen
1st Art Gallery
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Bust of a Young Girl - Georges Lemmen
Bust of a Young Girl
Carnival The Carousel - Georges Lemmen
Carnival The Carousel
Clear Night   Moon - Georges Lemmen
Clear Night Moon
Factories on the Thames - Georges Lemmen
Factories on the Thames
Family Gathering in Saint-Idesbald - Georges Lemmen
Family Gathering in Saint-Idesbald
Femme à la Lecture - Georges Lemmen
Femme à la Lecture
Flowers and Apples - Georges Lemmen
Flowers and Apples
Hat with a Red Ribbon - Georges Lemmen
Hat with a Red Ribbon

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Clear Night   Moon - Georges Lemmen
Georges Lemmen:
Clear Night Moon
Sunset On The Beach - Georges Lemmen
Georges Lemmen:
Sunset On The Beach
Rooftops - Georges Lemmen
Georges Lemmen:
The Last Ride of the Pony Express of 1861 - George Martin Ottinger
George Martin Ottinger:
The Last Ride of the Pony Express of 1861
An afternoon's fishing - Edward Wilkins Waite
Edward Wilkins Waite:
An afternoon's fishing
Rakosligeti taj (Rakosligeti haz), 1912 - Ede Bohacsek
Ede Bohacsek:
Rakosligeti taj (Rakosligeti haz), 1912
River Landscape - Jean-Baptiste Pillement
Jean-Baptiste Pillement:
River Landscape

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Madeleine Jeanne Lemaire
Madeleine Jeanne Lemaire

Gustave Lemaitre
Gustave Lemaitre

Georg Lemberger
Georg Lemberger

Basile Lemeunier
Basile Lemeunier

Francois Lemoine (see Lemoyne)
Francois Lemoine (see Lemoyne)

Alfred D. Lemon
Alfred D. Lemon

Anicet-Charles-Gabriel Lemonnier
Anicet-Charles-Gabriel Lemonnier

Francois-Frederic Lemot
Francois-Frederic Lemot

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