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George Hetzel

Fishing on the Conemaugh

Fishing on the Conemaugh - George Hetzel

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Fishing on the Conemaugh - George Hetzel
Artist:George Hetzel
Title:Fishing on the Conemaugh
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Forest Scene with Mother and Child - George Hetzel
Forest Scene with Mother and Child
Horseshoe Bend - George Hetzel
Horseshoe Bend
Nature Mort - Hen and Drake Mallard - George Hetzel
Nature Mort - Hen and Drake Mallard
On the Conemaugh - George Hetzel
On the Conemaugh
Pennsylvania Mounain Stream - George Hetzel
Pennsylvania Mounain Stream
Portrait of Lila B. Hetzel - George Hetzel
Portrait of Lila B. Hetzel
Portrait of Miss Helen Leslie Myers (Mrs. William Allen) - George Hetzel
Portrait of Miss Helen Leslie Myers (Mrs. William Allen)
Rocky Gorge - George Hetzel
Rocky Gorge

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Still Life - George Hetzel
George Hetzel:
Still Life
Still Life with Melons, Pears and Apples - George Hetzel
George Hetzel:
Still Life with Melons, Pears and Apples
Still Life with Basket of Grapes - George Hetzel
George Hetzel:
Still Life with Basket of Grapes
Yoro Waterfall in Mino Province (Mino no kuni Yoro no taki) - Katsushika Hokusai
Katsushika Hokusai:
Yoro Waterfall in Mino Province (Mino no kuni Yoro no taki)
Winter landscape with numerous figures - Joseph van Bredael
Joseph van Bredael:
Winter landscape with numerous figures
Seascape at Sunset I - Francis Augustus Silva
Francis Augustus Silva:
Seascape at Sunset I
Coast Scene, Mount Desert - Frederic Edwin Church
Frederic Edwin Church:
Coast Scene, Mount Desert

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Herman Herzog
Herman Herzog

Peter von Hess
Peter von Hess

Otto Hesselbom
Otto Hesselbom

John Hesselius
John Hesselius

Felix Armand Heullant
Felix Armand Heullant

Jacob De Heusch
Jacob De Heusch

Carl Heuser
Carl Heuser

Claes Van Heussen
Claes Van Heussen

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