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George Frederick Watts

May Prinsep (or Preyer)

May Prinsep (or Preyer) - George Frederick Watts

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May Prinsep (or Preyer) - George Frederick Watts
Artist:George Frederick Watts
Title:May Prinsep (or Preyer)
Museum:Manchester City Art Galleries, Manchester, UK
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

May Prinsep (Prayer) 1867 - George Frederick Watts
May Prinsep (Prayer) 1867
Meduse - George Frederick Watts
Mid-Day Rest, c.1863 - George Frederick Watts
Mid-Day Rest, c.1863
Mischief - George Frederick Watts
Miss Marietta Lockhart, 1845 - George Frederick Watts
Miss Marietta Lockhart, 1845
Miss May Princep, c.1869 - George Frederick Watts
Miss May Princep, c.1869
Miss Mildmay, c.1856 - George Frederick Watts
Miss Mildmay, c.1856
Miss Virginia Dalrymple, 1872 - George Frederick Watts
Miss Virginia Dalrymple, 1872

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Choosing - George Frederick Watts
George Frederick Watts:
Endymion - George Frederick Watts
George Frederick Watts:
Charity - George Frederick Watts
George Frederick Watts:
Dorothy Tennant  Later Lady Stanley - George Frederick Watts
George Frederick Watts:
Dorothy Tennant Later Lady Stanley
A view of Piazza Navona, Rome - (Giovanni Antonio Canal) Canaletto
(Giovanni Antonio Canal) Canaletto:
A view of Piazza Navona, Rome
Costumes of French marines from 1680 to 1854 - Charles Vernier
Charles Vernier:
Costumes of French marines from 1680 to 1854
Marocan And His Horse - Eugene Delacroix
Eugene Delacroix:
Marocan And His Horse

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   


C.L. Watts
C.L. Watts

Frederick Waters Watts
Frederick Waters Watts

Frederick William Watts
Frederick William Watts

James Thomas Watts
James Thomas Watts

William Watts
William Watts

(after) Watts, George Frederick
(after) Watts, George Frederick

Alfred R. Waud
Alfred R. Waud

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