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George Chinnery

Scene at Macao

Scene at Macao - George Chinnery

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Scene at Macao - George Chinnery
Artist:George Chinnery
Title:Scene at Macao
Museum:Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Self Portrait - George Chinnery
Self Portrait
Shipping on a Chinese River - George Chinnery
Shipping on a Chinese River
Street in Macao, China - George Chinnery
Street in Macao, China
Tea Trade in China - George Chinnery
Tea Trade in China
Tea Trade in China (detail) - George Chinnery
Tea Trade in China (detail)
The Dutch Folly Fort off Canton - George Chinnery
The Dutch Folly Fort off Canton
The Pool - George Chinnery
The Pool
View in Southern India, with a Warrior Outside his Hut, c.1815 - George Chinnery
View in Southern India, with a Warrior Outside his Hut, c.1815

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

A Chinese Junk - George Chinnery
George Chinnery:
A Chinese Junk
A Family Group Around a Piano - George Chinnery
George Chinnery:
A Family Group Around a Piano
A Riverside Dwelling, Indo-China - George Chinnery
George Chinnery:
A Riverside Dwelling, Indo-China
Ville-d'Avray, c.1820 - Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot:
Ville-d'Avray, c.1820
Amor es Pszyche, 1850-55 - Karoly Brocky
Karoly Brocky:
Amor es Pszyche, 1850-55
The Crown Inn at Chiddingfold - George Price Boyce
George Price Boyce:
The Crown Inn at Chiddingfold
Phantoms, 1903 - Viktor Elpidiforovich Borisov-Musatov
Viktor Elpidiforovich Borisov-Musatov:
Phantoms, 1903

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Chinese School
Chinese School

Chinese School, Ch'ing Period
Chinese School, Ch'ing Period

Chinese School, Ming Dynasty
Chinese School, Ming Dynasty

Chinese School, Qing Dynasty
Chinese School, Qing Dynasty

(attr. to) Chinnery, George (1774-1852)
(attr. to) Chinnery, George (1774-1852)

(follower of) Chinnery, George (1774-1852)
(follower of) Chinnery, George (1774-1852)

(circle of) Chinnery, George (1774-1852)
(circle of) Chinnery, George (1774-1852)

After Chinnery, George (1774-1852)
After Chinnery, George (1774-1852)

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