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Frederic Remington

Bringing Home the New Cook 1907

Bringing Home the New Cook 1907 - Frederic Remington

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Bringing Home the New Cook 1907 - Frederic Remington
Artist:Frederic Remington
Title:Bringing Home the New Cook 1907
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Bronco Buster - Frederic Remington
Bronco Buster
Bull Fight In Mexico - Frederic Remington
Bull Fight In Mexico
Buying Polo Ponies In The West - Frederic Remington
Buying Polo Ponies In The West
Cavalry in an Arizona Sandstorm - Frederic Remington
Cavalry in an Arizona Sandstorm
Cavalryman of the Line, Mexico - Frederic Remington
Cavalryman of the Line, Mexico
Cheyenne Scouts Patrolling The Big Timber Of The North Canadian Oklahoma - Frederic Remington
Cheyenne Scouts Patrolling The Big Timber Of The North Canadian Oklahoma
Colored Troopers to the Rescue - Frederic Remington
Colored Troopers to the Rescue
Comanche Brave, Fort Reno, Indian Territory - Frederic Remington
Comanche Brave, Fort Reno, Indian Territory

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

A Breed - Frederic Remington
Frederic Remington:
A Breed
An Assault On His Dignity - Frederic Remington
Frederic Remington:
An Assault On His Dignity
A Gander Pull - Frederic Remington
Frederic Remington:
A Gander Pull
The Supper at Emmaus, 1601 - (Michelangelo) Caravaggio
(Michelangelo) Caravaggio:
The Supper at Emmaus, 1601
Assiniboin Indians - Karl Bodmer
Karl Bodmer:
Assiniboin Indians
Undergrowth With Two Figures - Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh:
Undergrowth With Two Figures
Hopothle Mico 1790 - John Trumbull
John Trumbull:
Hopothle Mico 1790

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Heinrich Reinhold
Heinrich Reinhold

Martin Andreas Reisner
Martin Andreas Reisner

Joseph Reiter
Joseph Reiter

Harmenszoon van Rijn Rembrandt
Harmenszoon van Rijn Rembrandt

Jean-Charles Joseph Rémond
Jean-Charles Joseph Rémond

Simon Renard De Saint-Andre
Simon Renard De Saint-Andre

Emile Renard
Emile Renard

Alfred Renaudin
Alfred Renaudin

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