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Franz von Stuck

Girl Praying, 1927

Girl Praying, 1927 - Franz von Stuck

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Girl Praying, 1927 - Franz von Stuck
Artist:Franz von Stuck
Title:Girl Praying, 1927
Art Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Head of a Woman - Franz von Stuck
Head of a Woman
Head of Christ, c.1890 - Franz von Stuck
Head of Christ, c.1890
Helen - Franz von Stuck
Helios - Franz von Stuck
Hercules and the Hydra - Franz von Stuck
Hercules and the Hydra
Inferno - Franz von Stuck
Innocence - Franz von Stuck
Jan Regaards, 1890s - Franz von Stuck
Jan Regaards, 1890s

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Mermaid - Franz von Stuck
Franz von Stuck:
Lucifer - Franz von Stuck
Franz von Stuck:
Boy Bacchus Riding on a Panther  1901 - Franz von Stuck
Franz von Stuck:
Boy Bacchus Riding on a Panther 1901
Hercules and the Hydra - Franz von Stuck
Franz von Stuck:
Hercules and the Hydra
Portrait of Clara J. Mather - Thomas Cowperthwait Eakins
Thomas Cowperthwait Eakins:
Portrait of Clara J. Mather
Poster advertising 'Benzo-Moteur' Motor Oil Especially for Automobiles, 1901 - Jules Cheret
Jules Cheret:
Poster advertising 'Benzo-Moteur' Motor Oil Especially for Automobiles, 1901
Charlemagne (742-814) and the Boys, illustration from 'Little Arthur's History of France: From the Earliest of Times to the Fall of the Second Empire', 1899 - Lady M. Chalcott
Lady M. Chalcott:
Charlemagne (742-814) and the Boys, illustration from 'Little Arthur's History of France: From the Earliest of Times to the Fall of the Second Empire', 1899

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Alexander Charles Stuart
Alexander Charles Stuart

Gilbert Stuart
Gilbert Stuart

George Stubbs
George Stubbs

William Pierce Stubbs
William Pierce Stubbs

Evaristo Studio of Baschenis
Evaristo Studio of Baschenis

Karl Stuhlmuller
Karl Stuhlmuller

Jan Styka
Jan Styka

Pierre Subleyras
Pierre Subleyras

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