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Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell

North Wind, Iona

North Wind, Iona - Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell

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North Wind, Iona - Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
Artist:Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
Title:North Wind, Iona
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Nude Seated on a Sofa - Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
Nude Seated on a Sofa
On the Shore, Iona, c.1920s - Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
On the Shore, Iona, c.1920s
Portrait of a Lady in Black, c.1921 - Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
Portrait of a Lady in Black, c.1921
Portrait of Lady Lavery - Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
Portrait of Lady Lavery
Roses - Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
Roses at Cassis, 1921 - Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
Roses at Cassis, 1921
Spanish Lady, 1912 - Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
Spanish Lady, 1912
Steamer and Yacht, Iona - Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
Steamer and Yacht, Iona

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

30 Regent Terrace, c.1934 - Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell:
30 Regent Terrace, c.1934
A Still Life of Anemones - Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell:
A Still Life of Anemones
A Lady in Black and Gold - Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell:
A Lady in Black and Gold
At the Mirror, 1913 - Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell:
At the Mirror, 1913
An Apple-gathering - Frederick Morgan
Frederick Morgan:
An Apple-gathering
Crucifixion - Hans Memling
Hans Memling:
Saving Their Lieutenant - Charles Schreyvogel
Charles Schreyvogel:
Saving Their Lieutenant

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Victor Caccidrelli
Victor Caccidrelli

Richard Caddick
Richard Caddick

Alexander Caddy
Alexander Caddy

Eve Cadel
Eve Cadel

James Cadenhead
James Cadenhead

Giuseppe Cades
Giuseppe Cades

George Cadogan
George Cadogan

Lady Honoria Cadogan
Lady Honoria Cadogan

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