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Francis Calcraft Turner
Full Cry, Bachelors Hall, 1835
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Francis Calcraft Turner
Full Cry, Bachelors Hall, 1835
Yale Centre for British Art, Hartford, Connecticut, USA
N e x t p a i n t i n g s:
Horses Grazing- A Grey Stallion grazing with Mares in a Meadow
Horses Grazing- Mares and Foals in a Field
Mr. John Dixon's Nonpariel
The Berkeley Hunt, 1842- The Chase
The Berkeley Hunt, 1842- The Meet
The Berkeley Hunt, Full Cry, 1842
The Berkeley Hunt- The Death, 1842
The Death, Bachelors Hall
R e l a t e d p a i n t i n g s:
Francis Calcraft Turner:
Mr. John Dixon's Nonpariel
Francis Calcraft Turner:
The Death, Bachelors Hall
Francis Calcraft Turner:
Horses Grazing- Mares and Foals in a Field
Francis Calcraft Turner:
The Hunt Breakfast, Bachelors Hall, 1836
Jan Steen:
A Merry Party (detail-1) c. 1660
Paul Jacques Aimé Baudry:
The Torment of Vestale
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Reyer van Blommendael:
Paris and Oenone c. 1655
P r e v i o u s a r t i s t s:
N e x t a r t i s t s:
Charles Turner
Daniel Turner
Edward Turner
F.C. Turner
George Turner
J.A. Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner
Maria Turner
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