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Edward Lamson Henry

The Widower

The Widower - Edward Lamson Henry

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The Widower - Edward Lamson Henry
Artist:Edward Lamson Henry
Title:The Widower
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Unexpected Visitors - Edward Lamson Henry
Unexpected Visitors
Village Squire Entertaining the New Minister - Edward Lamson Henry
Village Squire Entertaining the New Minister
Visit to the Plantation - Edward Lamson Henry
Visit to the Plantation
Waiting for the Ferry - Edward Lamson Henry
Waiting for the Ferry
Waiting for the Stagecoach - Edward Lamson Henry
Waiting for the Stagecoach
Westover, Virginia - Edward Lamson Henry
Westover, Virginia
What Luck - Edward Lamson Henry
What Luck
What's That You Say - Edward Lamson Henry
What's That You Say

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

A Stormy Morning - Edward Lamson Henry
Edward Lamson Henry:
A Stormy Morning
The New Woman - Edward Lamson Henry
Edward Lamson Henry:
The New Woman
An Informal Call - Edward Lamson Henry
Edward Lamson Henry:
An Informal Call
An October Day - Edward Lamson Henry
Edward Lamson Henry:
An October Day
The Night Alarm: The Advance - Charles West Cope
Charles West Cope:
The Night Alarm: The Advance
Food Lovers - Christoffel Lubieniecki
Christoffel Lubieniecki:
Food Lovers
Mid-Summer, East Hampton, New York - William (St John) Harper
William (St John) Harper:
Mid-Summer, East Hampton, New York

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Pierre Henri
Pierre Henri

Regnault Henri
Regnault Henri

Robert Henri
Robert Henri

Francisco Henriques
Francisco Henriques

Ernst Henseler
Ernst Henseler

John Henry Henshall
John Henry Henshall

Isaac Henzell
Isaac Henzell

John Rogers Herbert
John Rogers Herbert

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