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Edmund Charles Tarbell

Girl and Horse

Girl and Horse - Edmund Charles Tarbell

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Girl and Horse - Edmund Charles Tarbell
Artist:Edmund Charles Tarbell
Title:Girl and Horse
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Girl Crotcheting - Edmund Charles Tarbell
Girl Crotcheting
Girl Mending - Edmund Charles Tarbell
Girl Mending
Girl Reading (by a Window) - Edmund Charles Tarbell
Girl Reading (by a Window)
Girl with Dog - Edmund Charles Tarbell
Girl with Dog
Girl with Sailboat - Edmund Charles Tarbell
Girl with Sailboat
Girl with Violin - Edmund Charles Tarbell
Girl with Violin
In a Garden - Edmund Charles Tarbell
In a Garden
In the Orchard, 1891 - Edmund Charles Tarbell
In the Orchard, 1891

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Arrangement in Pink and Gray - Edmund Charles Tarbell
Edmund Charles Tarbell:
Arrangement in Pink and Gray
In the Orchard, 1891 - Edmund Charles Tarbell
Edmund Charles Tarbell:
In the Orchard, 1891
Flowers in a Blue Ginger Jar - Edmund Charles Tarbell
Edmund Charles Tarbell:
Flowers in a Blue Ginger Jar
Four putti holding hands, project for the vault of the north transept of Parma Cathedral, c.1570 - Orazio Samacchini
Orazio Samacchini:
Four putti holding hands, project for the vault of the north transept of Parma Cathedral, c.1570
The Truce of Nice between Francis I (1494-1547) and Charles V (1500-58) from the Sala del Consiglio Trento - Taddeo Zuccaro
Taddeo Zuccaro:
The Truce of Nice between Francis I (1494-1547) and Charles V (1500-58) from the Sala del Consiglio Trento
Ptolemais given to Philip Augustus - Merry Joseph Blondel
Merry Joseph Blondel:
Ptolemais given to Philip Augustus
Far Away Thoughts - Robert Scheffer
Robert Scheffer:
Far Away Thoughts

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Leon Tarasewicz
Leon Tarasewicz

Jan Tarasin
Jan Tarasin

Guillaume-Thomas-Raphael Taraval
Guillaume-Thomas-Raphael Taraval

Hugues Taraval
Hugues Taraval

Filippo Tarchiani
Filippo Tarchiani

Ambroise Tardieu
Ambroise Tardieu

Jean-Charles Tardieu
Jean-Charles Tardieu

Nicolas-Henry Tardieu
Nicolas-Henry Tardieu

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