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Dirck Van Baburen

Achilles- deciding to resume fighting upon the death of Patrocles

Achilles- deciding to resume fighting upon the death of Patrocles - Dirck Van Baburen

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Achilles- deciding to resume fighting upon the death of Patrocles - Dirck Van Baburen
Artist:Dirck Van Baburen
Title:Achilles- deciding to resume fighting upon the death of Patrocles
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Concert (detail) 1623 - Dirck Van Baburen
Concert (detail) 1623
Prometheus Being Chained by Vulcan 1623 - Dirck Van Baburen
Prometheus Being Chained by Vulcan 1623
The Concert - Dirck Van Baburen
The Concert
The Nursing of Saint Sebastian 1622 - Dirck Van Baburen
The Nursing of Saint Sebastian 1622
The Procuress 1622 - Dirck Van Baburen
The Procuress 1622
Tobias and the Angel - Dirck Van Baburen
Tobias and the Angel

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

The Procuress 1622 - Dirck Van Baburen
Dirck Van Baburen:
The Procuress 1622
Concert (detail) 1623 - Dirck Van Baburen
Dirck Van Baburen:
Concert (detail) 1623
The Nursing of Saint Sebastian 1622 - Dirck Van Baburen
Dirck Van Baburen:
The Nursing of Saint Sebastian 1622
The Pandreitje in Bruges 1778 - Jan Antoon Garemijn
Jan Antoon Garemijn:
The Pandreitje in Bruges 1778
Playing Jacks on the Doorstep - Bart-John Blommers (or Bloomers)
Bart-John Blommers (or Bloomers):
Playing Jacks on the Doorstep
Companions - James Charles
James Charles:
The Council Finances in Times of War and of Peace, 1468 - Benvenuto Di Giovanni Guasta
Benvenuto Di Giovanni Guasta:
The Council Finances in Times of War and of Peace, 1468

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Knud (Andreassen) Baade
Knud (Andreassen) Baade

Charlotte E Babb
Charlotte E Babb

William (P.) Babcock
William (P.) Babcock

J. Babtiste
J. Babtiste

Cesare Bacchi
Cesare Bacchi

Francesco Ubertini Bacchiacca II
Francesco Ubertini Bacchiacca II

Marcello Bacciarelli
Marcello Bacciarelli

Guido Bach
Guido Bach

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