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David Cox


Dieppe - David Cox

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Dieppe - David Cox
Artist:David Cox
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Dover  1832 - David Cox
Dover 1832
Entrance to Calais Harbour, 1829 - David Cox
Entrance to Calais Harbour, 1829
Figures Crossing a Bridge - David Cox
Figures Crossing a Bridge
Figures On The Terraces At Powis Castle, Montgomeryshire - David Cox
Figures On The Terraces At Powis Castle, Montgomeryshire
Figures with a Donkey on a French Beach - David Cox
Figures with a Donkey on a French Beach
Fisherfolk On The Shore - David Cox
Fisherfolk On The Shore
Fishing Boats at Dover - David Cox
Fishing Boats at Dover
Going to the Hayfield, 1852 - David Cox
Going to the Hayfield, 1852

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

A Baggage Train Crossing a Plain - David Cox
David Cox:
A Baggage Train Crossing a Plain
A Cathedral in a Street - David Cox
David Cox:
A Cathedral in a Street
A Man-o'-War at Anchor in the Thames - David Cox
David Cox:
A Man-o'-War at Anchor in the Thames
A Rainbow over the Severn - David Cox
David Cox:
A Rainbow over the Severn
Merkuri - Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky
Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky:
Battle of the Nile, August 1st 1798 at 10 pm - Thomas Luny
Thomas Luny:
Battle of the Nile, August 1st 1798 at 10 pm
Le Quai Des Saints Peres A Paris (The Quay of the Holy Fathers in Paris) - Armand Guery
Armand Guery:
Le Quai Des Saints Peres A Paris (The Quay of the Holy Fathers in Paris)

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Agnes Cowieson
Agnes Cowieson

Frank Cadogan Cowper
Frank Cadogan Cowper

Max Cowper
Max Cowper

A. Cox
A. Cox

David Y. Cox
David Y. Cox

Edward Morant Cox
Edward Morant Cox

George C. Cox
George C. Cox

Kenyon Cox
Kenyon Cox

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