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Childe Hassam

Gateway at Canterbury 1889

Gateway at Canterbury 1889 - Childe Hassam

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Gateway at Canterbury 1889 - Childe Hassam
Artist:Childe Hassam
Title:Gateway at Canterbury 1889
Museum:Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Gathering Flowers in a French Garden - Childe Hassam
Gathering Flowers in a French Garden
Geraniums 1888 - Childe Hassam
Geraniums 1888
Gloucester Harbour, 1917 - Childe Hassam
Gloucester Harbour, 1917
Good Harbor Beach, Gloucester, 1909 - Childe Hassam
Good Harbor Beach, Gloucester, 1909
Grand Prix Day 1887 - Childe Hassam
Grand Prix Day 1887
Harvest Moon (Marsh and Meadow) - Childe Hassam
Harvest Moon (Marsh and Meadow)
Horse Drawn Cabs at Evening, New York, c.1890 - Childe Hassam
Horse Drawn Cabs at Evening, New York, c.1890
Horticultural Building, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago 1893 - Childe Hassam
Horticultural Building, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago 1893

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

A City Fairyland 1886 - Childe Hassam
Childe Hassam:
A City Fairyland 1886
A Familiar Tune, c.1880 - Childe Hassam
Childe Hassam:
A Familiar Tune, c.1880
A Back Road, c.1880s - Childe Hassam
Childe Hassam:
A Back Road, c.1880s
Boston Common at Twilight, 1885-86 - Childe Hassam
Childe Hassam:
Boston Common at Twilight, 1885-86
The Blair Family - Andrew Melrose
Andrew Melrose:
The Blair Family
St. Vitalis and Saints - Vittore Carpaccio
Vittore Carpaccio:
St. Vitalis and Saints
Palace of the Governors, Uxmal, Yucatan, Mexico, 1844 - Frederick Catherwood
Frederick Catherwood:
Palace of the Governors, Uxmal, Yucatan, Mexico, 1844

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Douglas Harvey
Douglas Harvey

George Harvey
George Harvey

Seymour Garstin Harvey
Seymour Garstin Harvey

William Stanley Haseltine
William Stanley Haseltine

Frederick Childe Hassam
Frederick Childe Hassam

Karl Peter Hasselberg
Karl Peter Hasselberg

Rufus Hathaway
Rufus Hathaway

John Hauser
John Hauser

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