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Charles-Gabriel Gleyre

Maiden and Cupid (Study)

Maiden and Cupid (Study) - Charles-Gabriel Gleyre

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Maiden and Cupid (Study) - Charles-Gabriel Gleyre
Artist:Charles-Gabriel Gleyre
Title:Maiden and Cupid (Study)
Museum:Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, Switzerland
Art Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Oriental Lady - Charles-Gabriel Gleyre
Oriental Lady
Romans Under the Yoke - Charles-Gabriel Gleyre
Romans Under the Yoke
The Queen of Sheba 1838 - Charles-Gabriel Gleyre
The Queen of Sheba 1838
Turkish Woman (
Turkish Woman ("Annetta"), Smyrna
Two Women with a Bouquet of Flowers - Charles-Gabriel Gleyre
Two Women with a Bouquet of Flowers
Zeibeck of Smyrna - Charles-Gabriel Gleyre
Zeibeck of Smyrna

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Egyptian Temple 1840 - Charles-Gabriel Gleyre
Charles-Gabriel Gleyre:
Egyptian Temple 1840
Evening or Lost Illusions 1843 - Charles-Gabriel Gleyre
Charles-Gabriel Gleyre:
Evening or Lost Illusions 1843
The Queen of Sheba 1838 - Charles-Gabriel Gleyre
Charles-Gabriel Gleyre:
The Queen of Sheba 1838
Armenian Priest, Smyrna - Charles-Gabriel Gleyre
Charles-Gabriel Gleyre:
Armenian Priest, Smyrna
Belles Heures de Duc du Berry  -Folio 95-  The Burial of Diocres  1408-09 - Jean Limbourg
Jean Limbourg:
Belles Heures de Duc du Berry -Folio 95- The Burial of Diocres 1408-09
Hunting Picnic  1723 - Francois Lemoine (see Lemoyne)
Francois Lemoine (see Lemoyne):
Hunting Picnic 1723
Caricature of Louis Figuier (1819-94) - Emile Cohl
Emile Cohl:
Caricature of Louis Figuier (1819-94)

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

James William Glass
James William Glass

Adrian Glebocki
Adrian Glebocki

Albert Gleizes
Albert Gleizes

Alfred Glendening
Alfred Glendening

Henry Gillard Glindoni
Henry Gillard Glindoni

Isobel Lilian Gloag
Isobel Lilian Gloag

John Glover
John Glover

Jan Nepomucen Glowacki
Jan Nepomucen Glowacki

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