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Captain George Tobin

The Bread Fruit of Otahytey, 1792

The Bread Fruit of Otahytey, 1792 - Captain George Tobin

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The Bread Fruit of Otahytey, 1792 - Captain George Tobin
Artist:Captain George Tobin
Title:The Bread Fruit of Otahytey, 1792
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

The Observatory, Point Venus, Otahytey, 1792 - Captain George Tobin
The Observatory, Point Venus, Otahytey, 1792

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Point Venus, Island of Otahytey, 1792 - Captain George Tobin
Captain George Tobin:
Point Venus, Island of Otahytey, 1792
The Observatory, Point Venus, Otahytey, 1792 - Captain George Tobin
Captain George Tobin:
The Observatory, Point Venus, Otahytey, 1792
Native Hut or Wigwam of Adventure Bay, Van Diemans Land, 1792 - Captain George Tobin
Captain George Tobin:
Native Hut or Wigwam of Adventure Bay, Van Diemans Land, 1792
Reapers resting - Therese Marthe Francois Cotard-Dupre
Therese Marthe Francois Cotard-Dupre:
Reapers resting
Roses in a Porcelain Bowl - John Ferguson Weir
John Ferguson Weir:
Roses in a Porcelain Bowl
The Old Tower At Nuenen With A Ploughman - Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh:
The Old Tower At Nuenen With A Ploughman
Strange Orchid - Odilon Redon
Odilon Redon:
Strange Orchid

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Ettore Tito
Ettore Tito

Santi Di Tito
Santi Di Tito

Tiberio di Tito
Tiberio di Tito

Giuseppe Tivoli
Giuseppe Tivoli

Lieutenant George Edward Alexander Tobin
Lieutenant George Edward Alexander Tobin

Louis Tocque
Louis Tocque

G. Todd
G. Todd

Henry George Todd
Henry George Todd

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