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Arthur Hughes


Endymion - Arthur Hughes

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Endymion - Arthur Hughes
Artist:Arthur Hughes
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Fair Rosamund 1854 - Arthur Hughes
Fair Rosamund 1854
Faith Early 1890s - Arthur Hughes
Faith Early 1890s
Ferdinand and Ariel - Arthur Hughes
Ferdinand and Ariel
Forget Me Not 1901-02 - Arthur Hughes
Forget Me Not 1901-02
Good Night (later version) - Arthur Hughes
Good Night (later version)
He is Risen- The First Easter 1893-96 - Arthur Hughes
He is Risen- The First Easter 1893-96
Home from Sea 1856-57 - Arthur Hughes
Home from Sea 1856-57
Home from Work 1860-61 - Arthur Hughes
Home from Work 1860-61

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

A Christmas Carol at Bracken Dene 1878-79 - Arthur Hughes
Arthur Hughes:
A Christmas Carol at Bracken Dene 1878-79
A Birthday Picnic 1866-67 - Arthur Hughes
Arthur Hughes:
A Birthday Picnic 1866-67
April Love 1855-56 - Arthur Hughes
Arthur Hughes:
April Love 1855-56
A Spring Afternoon - Arthur Hughes
Arthur Hughes:
A Spring Afternoon
Eastern Street Sellers - Paul Jovanowich
Paul Jovanowich:
Eastern Street Sellers
Rebecca at the Well - Valerio Castello
Valerio Castello:
Rebecca at the Well
Landscape with a Lake, 1860-73 - Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot:
Landscape with a Lake, 1860-73

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Charles Hue
Charles Hue

Paul Huet
Paul Huet

William Huggins
William Huggins

William John Huggins
William John Huggins

Edward Hughes
Edward Hughes

Edwin Hughes
Edwin Hughes

Edward Robert Hughes R.W.S.
Edward Robert Hughes R.W.S.

Robert Ball Hughes
Robert Ball Hughes

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