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Annibale Carracci

A Cherub Carrying Flowers (2)

A Cherub Carrying Flowers (2) - Annibale Carracci

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A Cherub Carrying Flowers (2) - Annibale Carracci
Artist:Annibale Carracci
Title:A Cherub Carrying Flowers (2)
Museum:Musée Condé, Chantilly, France
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Assumption of the Virgin c. 1590 - Annibale Carracci
Assumption of the Virgin c. 1590
Atlante - Annibale Carracci
Baptism of Christ (Battesimo di Cristo) - Annibale Carracci
Baptism of Christ (Battesimo di Cristo)
Christ crowned with thorns - Annibale Carracci
Christ crowned with thorns
Christ in Glory with the Saints - Annibale Carracci
Christ in Glory with the Saints
Christ Wearing the Crown of Thorns, Supported by Angels 1585-87 - Annibale Carracci
Christ Wearing the Crown of Thorns, Supported by Angels 1585-87
Dawn with a torch scattering flowers - Annibale Carracci
Dawn with a torch scattering flowers
Domine quo vadis 1601-02 - Annibale Carracci
Domine quo vadis 1601-02

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

The Galleria Farnese - Annibale Carracci
Annibale Carracci:
The Galleria Farnese
Self-Portrait in Profile 1590s - Annibale Carracci
Annibale Carracci:
Self-Portrait in Profile 1590s
The Virgin Appears to Sts Luke and Catherine 1592 - Annibale Carracci
Annibale Carracci:
The Virgin Appears to Sts Luke and Catherine 1592
Translation of the Holy House c. 1605 - Annibale Carracci
Annibale Carracci:
Translation of the Holy House c. 1605
Lorenzaccio - Alphonse Maria Mucha
Alphonse Maria Mucha:
The Education of Achilles, 1776 - Giovanni Battista Cipriani
Giovanni Battista Cipriani:
The Education of Achilles, 1776
In the Land of Weissnichtwo, 1894 - George Frederick Watts
George Frederick Watts:
In the Land of Weissnichtwo, 1894

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Giulio Carpioni
Giulio Carpioni

Will Carqueville
Will Carqueville

Samuel S. Carr
Samuel S. Carr

Agostino Carracci
Agostino Carracci

Antonio Carracci
Antonio Carracci

Franceschino Carracci
Franceschino Carracci

Lodovico Carracci
Lodovico Carracci

Baldassare di Matteo, the Younger Carrari
Baldassare di Matteo, the Younger Carrari

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