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Alexandre Antigna

The Death of the Pauper

The Death of the Pauper - Alexandre Antigna

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The Death of the Pauper - Alexandre Antigna
Artist:Alexandre Antigna
Title:The Death of the Pauper
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

The Fire, 1850-51 - Alexandre Antigna
The Fire, 1850-51
The Forced Stop - Alexandre Antigna
The Forced Stop
The Lightning 1848 - Alexandre Antigna
The Lightning 1848
The Poor Woman, 1857 - Alexandre Antigna
The Poor Woman, 1857

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

The Poor Woman, 1857 - Alexandre Antigna
Alexandre Antigna:
The Poor Woman, 1857
The Fire, 1850-51 - Alexandre Antigna
Alexandre Antigna:
The Fire, 1850-51
The Lightning 1848 - Alexandre Antigna
Alexandre Antigna:
The Lightning 1848
Corpus Christi Day - Alexandre Antigna
Alexandre Antigna:
Corpus Christi Day
In a Punt - John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent:
In a Punt
A Gondola on the Elbe near Dresden 1827 - Carl Gustav Carus
Carl Gustav Carus:
A Gondola on the Elbe near Dresden 1827
The Strand, 1842 - Thomas Shotter Boys
Thomas Shotter Boys:
The Strand, 1842

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Aert Anthonisz
Aert Anthonisz

Cornelis Anthonisz.
Cornelis Anthonisz.

Henry Mark Anthony
Henry Mark Anthony


Jose Antolinez
Jose Antolinez

Romano Antoniazzo
Romano Antoniazzo

Brandeis Antonietta
Brandeis Antonietta

Cristobal de Antonio
Cristobal de Antonio

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