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Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler

Lepida wife of Sergius Galba

Lepida wife of Sergius Galba - Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler

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Lepida wife of Sergius Galba - Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler
Artist:Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler
Title:Lepida wife of Sergius Galba
Art Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Livia Drusilla c.55 BC - AD 29 wife of Octavian  - Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler
Livia Drusilla c.55 BC - AD 29 wife of Octavian
Martia Fulvia wife of Titus  - Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler
Martia Fulvia wife of Titus
Petronia first wife of Vitellus - Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler
Petronia first wife of Vitellus
Pompeia d. AD 122 wife of Julius Caesar  - Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler
Pompeia d. AD 122 wife of Julius Caesar
Portrait of Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor, on horseback during the Battle of Noerdlingen, 6th September 1634, 1634 - Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler
Portrait of Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor, on horseback during the Battle of Noerdlingen, 6th September 1634, 1634
Portrait of Matthias 1557-1619, Holy Roman Emperor, 1616 - Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler
Portrait of Matthias 1557-1619, Holy Roman Emperor, 1616
Sigismund Bathory 1572-1613 1607  - Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler
Sigismund Bathory 1572-1613 1607
Statilia Messalina third wife of Nero - Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler
Statilia Messalina third wife of Nero

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Allegory on the reign of Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor, between 1514-1615 - Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler
Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler:
Allegory on the reign of Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor, between 1514-1615
Flavia Domicilla wife of Vespasian - Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler
Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler:
Flavia Domicilla wife of Vespasian
Statilia Messalina third wife of Nero - Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler
Aegidius Sadeler or Saedeler:
Statilia Messalina third wife of Nero
The Fable of the Miller, His Son and the Donkey No. 6 - Elihu Vedder
Elihu Vedder:
The Fable of the Miller, His Son and the Donkey No. 6
The Chef - Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell:
The Chef
The Flower Carrier - Diego Rivera
Diego Rivera:
The Flower Carrier
Lycurgus Demonstrares the Importance of Education 1607 - Otto van Veen
Otto van Veen:
Lycurgus Demonstrares the Importance of Education 1607

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Utagawa Sadahide
Utagawa Sadahide


Philippe Lodowyck Jacob Sadee
Philippe Lodowyck Jacob Sadee

Jean or Johann Sadeler
Jean or Johann Sadeler

Kate Sadler
Kate Sadler

Walter-Dendy Sadler
Walter-Dendy Sadler

William II Sadler
William II Sadler

Vasili Semenovich Sadovnikov
Vasili Semenovich Sadovnikov

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