Frédéric Bazille 1841-1870 BACK

Studio on the rue La Condamine
oil on canvas 97x127cm
Musee d'Orsay

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Bazille painted a image od his own studio. Jan 1, 1870: "I've been amusing myself painting the interior of my studio with my friends. Manet is doing my own figure." Maitre is playing the piano; leaning over the stair railing Zloa speaks with Renoir, who is sitting on a table. Manet and Monet are conversing with Bazille who is showing the canvas. Paintings are hanging on the walls and others are stacked against one another. Behind Zola is a painting by Bazille, Fisherman with a Net, which the Salon refused in 1869. Near the window is a painting by Renoir which was also refused by the Salon. To paint these refused paintings into this painting was to turn one's nose at the jury, to defy it.

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