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William Holbrook Beard

Discovery of Adam

Discovery of Adam - William Holbrook Beard

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Discovery of Adam - William Holbrook Beard
Artist:William Holbrook Beard
Title:Discovery of Adam
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Domestic Squabble - William Holbrook Beard
Domestic Squabble
How Beautiful - William Holbrook Beard
How Beautiful
Little Accident - William Holbrook Beard
Little Accident
Making Game of the Hunter - William Holbrook Beard
Making Game of the Hunter
Owls - William Holbrook Beard
Phantom Crane 1891 - William Holbrook Beard
Phantom Crane 1891
Pre-Adamite - William Holbrook Beard
Round and Round they Went - William Holbrook Beard
Round and Round they Went

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Bear and Cubs - William Holbrook Beard
William Holbrook Beard:
Bear and Cubs
The Lost Balloon - William Holbrook Beard
William Holbrook Beard:
The Lost Balloon
The March of Selenus - William Holbrook Beard
William Holbrook Beard:
The March of Selenus
Milkmaids - Basil Bradley
Basil Bradley:
The Path of the Wretched, 1878 - Camille Pissarro
Camille Pissarro:
The Path of the Wretched, 1878
The Disaster - Georges Croegaert
Georges Croegaert:
The Disaster
Pair of Crane Incense Burners, from the Qianlong period - Chinese School
Chinese School:
Pair of Crane Incense Burners, from the Qianlong period

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Luigi Bazzani
Luigi Bazzani

Leonardo Bazzaro
Leonardo Bazzaro

Thomas Beach
Thomas Beach

Mary Beale
Mary Beale

Aubrey Vincent Beardsley
Aubrey Vincent Beardsley

George Beare
George Beare

Nicolas Beatrizet
Nicolas Beatrizet

Charles Beaubrun
Charles Beaubrun

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