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Robinet Testard

Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 40

Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 40 - Robinet Testard

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Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 40 - Robinet Testard
Artist:Robinet Testard
Title:Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 40
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N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 41 - Robinet Testard
Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 41
Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 42 - Robinet Testard
Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 42
Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 43 - Robinet Testard
Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 43
Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 44 - Robinet Testard
Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 44
Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 45 - Robinet Testard
Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 45
Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 46 - Robinet Testard
Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 46
Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 47 - Robinet Testard
Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 47
Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 48 - Robinet Testard
Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 48

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Illustration from The Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 57 - Robinet Testard
Robinet Testard:
Illustration from The Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 57
Abutilon Theophrasti, or Velvet Leaf, illustration from The Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 - Robinet Testard
Robinet Testard:
Abutilon Theophrasti, or Velvet Leaf, illustration from The Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470
Ear of Corn and Cyminum Sylvestre, Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 - Robinet Testard
Robinet Testard:
Ear of Corn and Cyminum Sylvestre, Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470
Top row- Blue Clematis or Crowfoot and Primula. Bottom row- Borage or Forget-me-not and Marguerita Daisy, illustration from The Book of Simple Medicines by Matthaeus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 - Robinet Testard
Robinet Testard:
Top row- Blue Clematis or Crowfoot and Primula. Bottom row- Borage or Forget-me-not and Marguerita Daisy, illustration from The Book of Simple Medicines by Matthaeus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470
Bouquet of Flowers: Chrysanthemums in a China Vase - Theodore Robinson
Theodore Robinson:
Bouquet of Flowers: Chrysanthemums in a China Vase
Roses II - Pierre Auguste Renoir
Pierre Auguste Renoir:
Roses II
Vase with Zinnias - Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh:
Vase with Zinnias

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   


Louis Tessier
Louis Tessier

Louis Adolphe Tessier
Louis Adolphe Tessier

Pietro Testa
Pietro Testa

(after) Testard, Jean
(after) Testard, Jean

Henri Testelin
Henri Testelin

A. Testi
A. Testi

Pierre-Henri-Theodore Tetar van Elven
Pierre-Henri-Theodore Tetar van Elven

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