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Levi Wells Prentice

Afternoon Idyll

Afternoon Idyll - Levi Wells Prentice

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Afternoon Idyll - Levi Wells Prentice
Artist:Levi Wells Prentice
Title:Afternoon Idyll
Art Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Andirondack Lake - Levi Wells Prentice
Andirondack Lake
Apples - Levi Wells Prentice
Apples in a Tin Pail 1892 - Levi Wells Prentice
Apples in a Tin Pail 1892
Apples tumbling from a basket - Levi Wells Prentice
Apples tumbling from a basket
Apples, Hat, and Tree 1898 - Levi Wells Prentice
Apples, Hat, and Tree 1898
Basket of Apples - Levi Wells Prentice
Basket of Apples
Baskets of Plums on a Tabletop - Levi Wells Prentice
Baskets of Plums on a Tabletop
Baskets of Raspberries - Levi Wells Prentice
Baskets of Raspberries

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Apples in a Tin Pail 1892 - Levi Wells Prentice
Levi Wells Prentice:
Apples in a Tin Pail 1892
Apples, Hat, and Tree 1898 - Levi Wells Prentice
Levi Wells Prentice:
Apples, Hat, and Tree 1898
Baskets of Plums on a Tabletop - Levi Wells Prentice
Levi Wells Prentice:
Baskets of Plums on a Tabletop
Apples tumbling from a basket - Levi Wells Prentice
Levi Wells Prentice:
Apples tumbling from a basket
Head Of A Young Woman - Edgar Degas
Edgar Degas:
Head Of A Young Woman
Virgin and Child - Nicolas Mignard
Nicolas Mignard:
Virgin and Child
Sunrise on the Beach - William Trost Richards
William Trost Richards:
Sunrise on the Beach

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Marianne Preindelsberger Stokes
Marianne Preindelsberger Stokes

Friedrich, the Elder Preller
Friedrich, the Elder Preller

Friedrich, the younger Preller
Friedrich, the younger Preller

Maurice Brazil Prendergast
Maurice Brazil Prendergast

Master of the Presentation
Master of the Presentation

Margaret Preston
Margaret Preston

Mattia Preti
Mattia Preti

Gaetano Previati
Gaetano Previati

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