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Julius Scheuerrer

Duck and poultry by a pond

Duck and poultry by a pond - Julius Scheuerrer

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Duck and poultry by a pond - Julius Scheuerrer
Artist:Julius Scheuerrer
Title:Duck and poultry by a pond
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Poultry by a Pump - Julius Scheuerrer
Poultry by a Pump

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Poultry by a Pump - Julius Scheuerrer
Julius Scheuerrer:
Poultry by a Pump
Cattle watering in a wooded landscape 2 - Friedrich Johann Voltz
Friedrich Johann Voltz:
Cattle watering in a wooded landscape 2
At Home on the Farm - Jasper John
Jasper John:
At Home on the Farm
Struggle between a Warrior and a Lion - Alexandre-Marie Colin
Alexandre-Marie Colin:
Struggle between a Warrior and a Lion
Prarie Fire - Frederic Remington
Frederic Remington:
Prarie Fire
Snake, from 'Drawings of Animals, Insects and Reptiles from Malacca', c.1805-18 (2) - Chinese School
Chinese School:
Snake, from 'Drawings of Animals, Insects and Reptiles from Malacca', c.1805-18 (2)
Memorandum of the Start of the Exploring Expedition, 1860 - Nicholas Chevalier
Nicholas Chevalier:
Memorandum of the Start of the Exploring Expedition, 1860

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Boris Walentinowitsch Scherkow
Boris Walentinowitsch Scherkow

Lorenz Scherm
Lorenz Scherm

Jean-Jacques Scherrer
Jean-Jacques Scherrer

John Christian Schetky
John Christian Schetky

Josef Scheurenberg
Josef Scheurenberg

Julius Scheurer
Julius Scheurer

Franz Scheyerer
Franz Scheyerer

Francesco Maria Schiaffino
Francesco Maria Schiaffino

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