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Jan Stanislawski

New Bridge (Le Pont Neuf)

New Bridge (Le Pont Neuf) - Jan Stanislawski

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New Bridge (Le Pont Neuf) - Jan Stanislawski
Artist:Jan Stanislawski
Title:New Bridge (Le Pont Neuf)
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Night (Cottages in the Moonlight) - Jan Stanislawski
Night (Cottages in the Moonlight)
Orchard. Biala Cerkiew - Jan Stanislawski
Orchard. Biala Cerkiew
Poplars near the Water - Jan Stanislawski
Poplars near the Water
Somewhere in Ukraine - Jan Stanislawski
Somewhere in Ukraine
Sunflowers and Cottages - Jan Stanislawski
Sunflowers and Cottages
Sunset - Jan Stanislawski
Twilight - Jan Stanislawski
Village in the Ukraine - Jan Stanislawski
Village in the Ukraine

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Beehives in the Ukraine - Jan Stanislawski
Jan Stanislawski:
Beehives in the Ukraine
Moon - Tyniec - Jan Stanislawski
Jan Stanislawski:
Moon - Tyniec
Poplars near the Water - Jan Stanislawski
Jan Stanislawski:
Poplars near the Water
Hevva Hevva 1889 - Percy Robert Craft
Percy Robert Craft:
Hevva Hevva 1889
Meditation - Simone Martini
Simone Martini:
Queen Elizabeth discovers she is no longer young - Augustus Leopold  Egg
Augustus Leopold Egg:
Queen Elizabeth discovers she is no longer young
Signing the Marriage Register, 1896 - James Charles
James Charles:
Signing the Marriage Register, 1896

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Clarkson Stanfield
Clarkson Stanfield

George Clarkson Stanfield
George Clarkson Stanfield

William Clarkson  Stanfield
William Clarkson Stanfield

John Roddam Spencer Stanhope
John Roddam Spencer Stanhope

Aleksander Stankiewicz
Aleksander Stankiewicz

John Mix Stanley
John Mix Stanley

John Mix Stanley
John Mix Stanley

Eloise Harriet Stannard
Eloise Harriet Stannard

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