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Jan Mytens

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A Portrait of a Man Holding a Glove - Jan Mytens
A Portrait of a Man Holding a Glove
Family group portrait - Jan Mytens
Family group portrait
Portrait histoire of a young man and lady as Meleager and Atalanta - Jan Mytens
Portrait histoire of a young man and lady as Meleager and Atalanta
Portrait of a lady wearing a black dress and a white collar - Jan Mytens
Portrait of a lady wearing a black dress and a white collar
Portrait of a Lady, standing three-quarter length, wearing a lavender silk dress with white sleeves and a yellow shawl - Jan Mytens
Portrait of a Lady, standing three-quarter length, wearing a lavender silk dress with white sleeves and a yellow shawl
Portrait of a young gentleman in a burgundy doublet with slashed sleeves and a sash, a feathered cap in hand - Jan Mytens
Portrait of a young gentleman in a burgundy doublet with slashed sleeves and a sash, a feathered cap in hand
Portrait of a Young Lady as Diana - Jan Mytens
Portrait of a Young Lady as Diana
Portrait of Christaen Huygens in a landscape, a country house beyond - Jan Mytens
Portrait of Christaen Huygens in a landscape, a country house beyond
Portrait of the son of a nobleman as Cupid - Jan Mytens
Portrait of the son of a nobleman as Cupid
Venus and Adonis - Jan Mytens
Venus and Adonis

Page 1 of 1   1     Paintings: 10

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Girolamo Muziano
Girolamo Muziano

Grigoriy Grigoryevich Myasoyedov
Grigoriy Grigoryevich Myasoyedov

Robertson Kirtland Mygatt
Robertson Kirtland Mygatt

Frans Van Der Myn
Frans Van Der Myn

Artur Nacht Samborski
Artur Nacht Samborski

Charles Christian  Nahl
Charles Christian Nahl

Charles Christian Nahl
Charles Christian Nahl

Le Nain Brothers
Le Nain Brothers

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