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James Abbott McNeill Whistler

Edward Guthrie Kennedy

Edward Guthrie Kennedy - James Abbott McNeill Whistler

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Edward Guthrie Kennedy - James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Artist:James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Title:Edward Guthrie Kennedy
Museum:Private collection
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Flower Market - James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Flower Market
Gold and Brown - James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Gold and Brown
Gold and Brown: Dordrecht - James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Gold and Brown: Dordrecht
Gold and Grey: the Sunny Shower - Dordrecht - James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Gold and Grey: the Sunny Shower - Dordrecht
Gray and Gold - The Golden Bay - James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Gray and Gold - The Golden Bay
Green and Silver - The Bright Sea, Dieppe - James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Green and Silver - The Bright Sea, Dieppe
Green and Violet: Portrait of Mrs. Walter Sickert - James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Green and Violet: Portrait of Mrs. Walter Sickert
Grey and Pink, a Draped Model with Fan - James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Grey and Pink, a Draped Model with Fan

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

A Shop with a Balcony - James Abbott McNeill Whistler
James Abbott McNeill Whistler:
A Shop with a Balcony
Butcher's Shop, Saverne - James Abbott McNeill Whistler
James Abbott McNeill Whistler:
Butcher's Shop, Saverne
Sea and Rain - James Abbott McNeill Whistler
James Abbott McNeill Whistler:
Sea and Rain
Battersea Reach - James Abbott McNeill Whistler
James Abbott McNeill Whistler:
Battersea Reach
Belle Ile  Rocks At Port Goulphar - Claude Oscar Monet
Claude Oscar Monet:
Belle Ile Rocks At Port Goulphar
Moonlight - George Hendrik Breitner
George Hendrik Breitner:
The Bay and the Mountains of L'Esterel, Golfe-Juan - Eugène Boudin
Eugène Boudin:
The Bay and the Mountains of L'Esterel, Golfe-Juan

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

W.H. Wheelright
W.H. Wheelright

James H. Wheldon
James H. Wheldon

C. John Mayle Whichelo
C. John Mayle Whichelo

Thomas Whightman
Thomas Whightman

Frances Whitaker
Frances Whitaker

George Whitaker
George Whitaker

George William Whitaker
George William Whitaker

Thomas Whitcombe
Thomas Whitcombe

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