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George the Elder Scharf

Between 5 Oclock and 6 Oclock in the Morning, 1840

Between 5 Oclock and 6 Oclock in the Morning, 1840 - George the Elder Scharf

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Between 5 Oclock and 6 Oclock in the Morning, 1840 - George the Elder Scharf
Artist:George the Elder Scharf
Title:Between 5 Oclock and 6 Oclock in the Morning, 1840
Art Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Between 6 and 7 Oclock in the Morning, Summer - George the Elder Scharf
Between 6 and 7 Oclock in the Morning, Summer
Brompton, London, 1822  - George the Elder Scharf
Brompton, London, 1822
Building the New Gallery of the British Museum - George the Elder Scharf
Building the New Gallery of the British Museum
Chimpanzee or African Orang-Utan at the Zoological Gardens, Regents Park, engraved and pub. by the artist, printed by Charles Hullmandel 1789-1850, 1835 - George the Elder Scharf
Chimpanzee or African Orang-Utan at the Zoological Gardens, Regents Park, engraved and pub. by the artist, printed by Charles Hullmandel 1789-1850, 1835
Colourmans Shop, St Martins Lane, 1829 - George the Elder Scharf
Colourmans Shop, St Martins Lane, 1829
Coronation Procession of George IV, 1821 - George the Elder Scharf
Coronation Procession of George IV, 1821
Cow Keeper, 1825 - George the Elder Scharf
Cow Keeper, 1825
Giraffes on the staircase in the British Museum, 1845 - George the Elder Scharf
Giraffes on the staircase in the British Museum, 1845

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

The Giraffes with the Arabs who brought them over to this country, Zoological Gardens, Regents Park, 1836 - George the Elder Scharf
George the Elder Scharf:
The Giraffes with the Arabs who brought them over to this country, Zoological Gardens, Regents Park, 1836
Giraffes on the staircase in the British Museum, 1845 - George the Elder Scharf
George the Elder Scharf:
Giraffes on the staircase in the British Museum, 1845
Cow Keeper, 1825 - George the Elder Scharf
George the Elder Scharf:
Cow Keeper, 1825
St. Pauls, Deptford - George the Elder Scharf
George the Elder Scharf:
St. Pauls, Deptford
Madonna Suckling the Christ Child - Carlo Crivelli
Carlo Crivelli:
Madonna Suckling the Christ Child
Count Ferdinand Adolf von Plettenberg and his Family  1727 - Robert Tournieres
Robert Tournieres:
Count Ferdinand Adolf von Plettenberg and his Family 1727
A Study for a figure of a dancer for Scheherazade - Leon (Samoilovitch) Bakst
Leon (Samoilovitch) Bakst:
A Study for a figure of a dancer for Scheherazade

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Morton Livingston Schamberg
Morton Livingston Schamberg

Franz Schams
Franz Schams

Antoine Schanaert
Antoine Schanaert

Anton Schantz
Anton Schantz

Hans Leonhard Schaufelein
Hans Leonhard Schaufelein

Hans the Younger Schaufelein
Hans the Younger Schaufelein

Lina von Schauroth
Lina von Schauroth

(after) Schebbellie
(after) Schebbellie

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