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George Frederick Watts

Industry and Greed, 1900

Industry and Greed, 1900 - George Frederick Watts

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Industry and Greed, 1900 - George Frederick Watts
Artist:George Frederick Watts
Title:Industry and Greed, 1900
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

Iris, 1904 - George Frederick Watts
Iris, 1904
Jacob and Esau, 1878 - George Frederick Watts
Jacob and Esau, 1878
James Barr Mitchell, c.1856 - George Frederick Watts
James Barr Mitchell, c.1856
Jeremy Bentham in an imaginary landscape, 1835 - George Frederick Watts
Jeremy Bentham in an imaginary landscape, 1835
Jessamine, 1869 - George Frederick Watts
Jessamine, 1869
John Burns (1858-1943) 1897 - George Frederick Watts
John Burns (1858-1943) 1897
John Stuart Mill (1806-73) 1973 - George Frederick Watts
John Stuart Mill (1806-73) 1973
Jonah 1894 - George Frederick Watts
Jonah 1894

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Choosing - George Frederick Watts
George Frederick Watts:
Endymion - George Frederick Watts
George Frederick Watts:
Charity - George Frederick Watts
George Frederick Watts:
Dorothy Tennant  Later Lady Stanley - George Frederick Watts
George Frederick Watts:
Dorothy Tennant Later Lady Stanley
Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) aged 72, 1847 - Paul Carpentier
Paul Carpentier:
Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) aged 72, 1847
Christina (1626-89) Queen of Sweden from 'Receuil des Estampes, representant les Rangs et les Dignites, suivant le Costume de toutes les Nations existantes',  1780 - Edward Emerson Simmons
Edward Emerson Simmons:
Christina (1626-89) Queen of Sweden from 'Receuil des Estampes, representant les Rangs et les Dignites, suivant le Costume de toutes les Nations existantes', 1780
Portrait of Philippe-Laurent de Joubert c. 1786 - Jacques Louis David
Jacques Louis David:
Portrait of Philippe-Laurent de Joubert c. 1786

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   


C.L. Watts
C.L. Watts

Frederick Waters Watts
Frederick Waters Watts

Frederick William Watts
Frederick William Watts

James Thomas Watts
James Thomas Watts

William Watts
William Watts

(after) Watts, George Frederick
(after) Watts, George Frederick

Alfred R. Waud
Alfred R. Waud

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