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Filippo Lauri

Faun and Cupid in a Landscape

Faun and Cupid in a Landscape - Filippo Lauri

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Faun and Cupid in a Landscape - Filippo Lauri
Artist:Filippo Lauri
Title:Faun and Cupid in a Landscape
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

King Midas Judging The Musical Contest Between Apollo And Pan - Filippo Lauri
King Midas Judging The Musical Contest Between Apollo And Pan

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

King Midas Judging The Musical Contest Between Apollo And Pan - Filippo Lauri
Filippo Lauri:
King Midas Judging The Musical Contest Between Apollo And Pan
Femme de pecheur venant de baigner ses enfants - Virginie Demont-Breton
Virginie Demont-Breton:
Femme de pecheur venant de baigner ses enfants
Reading the Order of the Day - Clément Pujol de Guastavino
Clément Pujol de Guastavino:
Reading the Order of the Day
Portrait of Ali Pasha of Yannina, 1822 - Joseph Cartwright
Joseph Cartwright:
Portrait of Ali Pasha of Yannina, 1822
St. Francis Xavier dying at Sancian, China, and the church built on his place of death - Chinese School
Chinese School:
St. Francis Xavier dying at Sancian, China, and the church built on his place of death
Luxembourg Gardens, 1901 - Frederick Carl Frieseke
Frederick Carl Frieseke:
Luxembourg Gardens, 1901
Buddha seated on a lotus flower - Chinese School
Chinese School:
Buddha seated on a lotus flower

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Ernest Joseph Laurent
Ernest Joseph Laurent

François Laurent
François Laurent

Henri Alphonse  Laurent-Desrousseaux
Henri Alphonse Laurent-Desrousseaux

Tommaso Laureti
Tommaso Laureti

Jeanne Lauvernay-Petitjean
Jeanne Lauvernay-Petitjean

Jacobus Johannes Lauwers
Jacobus Johannes Lauwers

August Laux
August Laux

Charles Laval
Charles Laval

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