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Anne Vallayer-Coster

The Attributes of Music, 1770

The Attributes of Music, 1770 - Anne Vallayer-Coster

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The Attributes of Music, 1770 - Anne Vallayer-Coster
Artist:Anne Vallayer-Coster
Title:The Attributes of Music, 1770
Museum:Musée du Louvre, Paris, France
Oil Painting Reproductions
Oil Painting Reproductions


N e x t   p a i n t i n g s:

The Attributes of the Arts, 1769 - Anne Vallayer-Coster
The Attributes of the Arts, 1769

R e l a t e d   p a i n t i n g s:

Still-Life with Tuft of Marine Plants, Shells and Corals 1769 - Anne Vallayer-Coster
Anne Vallayer-Coster:
Still-Life with Tuft of Marine Plants, Shells and Corals 1769
Carnations, pears, cherries and apple on a table - Anne Vallayer-Coster
Anne Vallayer-Coster:
Carnations, pears, cherries and apple on a table
Seaweed, Lithophytes and Seashells - Anne Vallayer-Coster
Anne Vallayer-Coster:
Seaweed, Lithophytes and Seashells
Portrait of an elderly lady with her daughter - Anne Vallayer-Coster
Anne Vallayer-Coster:
Portrait of an elderly lady with her daughter
Studio of the Rue Visconti - Jean Frédéric Bazille
Jean Frédéric Bazille:
Studio of the Rue Visconti
Roses - Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell
Francis Campbell Boileau Cadell:
Flowers and Apples on a Round Table - Wladyslaw Slewinski
Wladyslaw Slewinski:
Flowers and Apples on a Round Table

P r e v i o u s   a r t i s t s:

N e x t   a r t i s t s:   

Hendrik Valkenburg
Hendrik Valkenburg

Pere Vall
Pere Vall

Nanine Vallain
Nanine Vallain

P. Vallati
P. Vallati

Filippo della Valle
Filippo della Valle

Armand Vallee
Armand Vallee

Louis Vallee
Louis Vallee

Lorenzo Valles
Lorenzo Valles

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